Ok, to really make this happen, parents we need you! If you can sign up for two hours, great. More than two hours, we’ll be eternally grateful!! Please. Thanks.

Head to https://signup.zone/wsps-fete-2020 and choose something that interests you. Better still team up with another parent (perhaps one you’d like to get to know better) and sign up together! Here’s just a small sample of your options…

Passionate about the climate emergency? Then sign up to wash up to help us Waste less @ Wales Street (Food & Drinks > Dishwash)

Bit of an expert when it comes to putting up and anchoring gazebos? Sign up to be part of the operations crew! (Fete Operations > Weekend ops FriSatSun)

Got an artistic streak but don’t get to use it very often? Sign up for face painting and tattoos (Entertainment > Face & body art)

Love a bit of amateur dramatics? Sign up to be a pirate or a ghoul (Entertainment > Treasure Hunt or Haunted House)

Not free over fete weekend but really want to help out? Sign up for the Sunday 15 March Working Bee to help get the school and donations fete-ready. (Fete Operations > Working Bee 15 March)

This is just a sample, there’s lots more to choose from.