…you mix a food safety assistant with a pirate (and a clothes rack, and some takeaway containers, and some large bars of chocolate)?
The answer? Yet another seemingly random set of requests from the Fete Committee!
Sorry, clearly not the best ‘mix and match’ joke ever. Here are some better ones.
But seriously, here’s who/what we need to find or borrow this week:
- Are you, or do you know a parent with basic food safety knowledge, who could assist on fete day doing food handling and temp checks? This would likely only require minimal input of 2 x 15 min checks. Email Sara – wspsfete.food@gmail.com
- Seeking a parent (or grandparent) to be a pirate ‘guarding’ treasure in the Wales Street sand pit for a couple of hours. Interested? Give Mandy an ‘Ahoy there matey!’ wspsfete.volunteers@gmail.com
- Got any transportable clothes racks you can lend us? That would be amazing as we need a few. Please email Erica wspsfete.coordinator@gmail.com
- To Waste Less @ Wales Street please bring some old (clean) takeaway containers (bananas for scale) or similar to the fete shed. We’ll use these for things like donated LEGO sets on the Toy Stall. Email Rachel – wspsfete.sustainability@gmail.com
- We need more bigger bars of chocolate for Lob-a-choc. So whichever flavour of supermarket you shop at please plunder the large chocolate bars on special offer and drop them into the office 8.30am – 4.30pm on school days.
- ??? who knows what we’ll be asking you for next week!