Enrolling a child at Wales Street?
Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at Wales Street Primary School. To complete a Student Enrolment form please click on the blue tab below and follow the instructions. For more information on our enrolment process please contact us on 9484 3949 or visit us at the School Office between 8:30am and 4PM.
Enrolment Information
Please review and read the following documents before submitting an Enrolment Application Form:
Foundation Enrolment Information Pack
Once you have reviewed the documents above you can proceed with an application to enrol via the form below (this needs to be supplied with evidence of your address):
Enrolment timetable
Enrolment forms are available from the school office if you are not able to download them.
School Tours
2025 Tours TBA
Check this space for updates.
We invite you to watch an introduction to WSPS video narrated by our principal, Jenny Deeble.
About our enrolment procedure
To determine if you are in the Wales Street Primary School zone please visit the findmyschool.vic.gov.au website. Families residing in the zone or already have a sibling attending the school are guaranteed a place. Evidence of residence is required (to the effect of 100 Points. Please see DET guidance on acceptable evidence) eg. Council rates notice, lease agreement, utility bill, drivers licence, health care card.
The Department provides guidance through the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and the freedom to choose other schools, subject to facility limitations. You can find more information and answers to frequently asked questions on the Department’s website under School zones.
Consideration may be given to families who are residing outside the school zone based on places available.
Timing and availability
Foundation enrolments: Due by 26 July
Year 1-6 enrolments: The Principal and/or Assistant Principal will contact the previous school of all students seeking to transfer from another school. Families moving into the school zone late in the year wishing to gain a placement in the following year are strongly encouraged to submit enrolment forms by October, as this is when class placements are organised and teachers allocated.
Foundation Orientation Program
The Foundation Orientation Program runs during October and November each year. Information will be communicated to all families who have received confirmation of enrolment. Parent Information Sessions are also conducted during this time.
Starting Primary School?
See more information below: