Student welfare at Wales Street

Wales Street Primary School is committed to providing a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment for all students. We understand that students reach their full potential only when they are happy, healthy and safe, and that a positive school culture helps to engage students and support them in their learning. Our school acknowledges that student wellbeing and student learning outcomes are closely linked.

Wales Street Primary School is an accredited International Baccalaureate, Primary Years Programme world school. Our curriculum model is a trans-disciplinary, concept-driven program which utilises inquiry learning approaches while developing a range of research, thinking, social, self-management and communication skills. The school believes that this approach will develop students’ self-esteem, the ability to think independently, and the confidence to apply their knowledge and abilities to the challenges that lie ahead with enthusiasm, confidence and commitment.

Through the implementation of the IB Primary Years Programme, Wales Street Primary School aspires to develop students who display the attributes of the learner profile and who are: caring, courageous, open-minded, principled, balanced, reflective, communicators, thinkers, inquirers and knowledgeable.

We engage in school wide positive behaviour support with our staff and students, which includes programs such as:
Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (DET)

  • Learn to Learn- Start of the Year program
  • Bully Stoppers
  • Cybersafety-Think U Know
  • eSmart schools program
  • Resilience Project
  • Child Wise
  • programs, incursions and excursions developed to address issue specific behaviour (i.e. anger management programs)
  • opportunities for student inclusion (i.e. sports teams, clubs, recess and lunchtime activities)
    buddy programs, Peer support programs

Our Welfare team

At Wales Street Primary School we have an appointed part time Primary Welfare Officer, to work with students who are experiencing social and emotional issues either at home or at school. For ongoing school based support/counselling for these students, parental permission is required. In some cases the Primary Welfare Officer & Welfare staff may also refer the student to the visiting DET Educational Psychologist.

At Wales Street Primary School we have a School Nurse who provides daily service to support students’ physical and emotional concerns. Her role is to assist children when they are injured or sick as well as informing the staff and the community on relevant health issues. The School Nurse also provides regular professional development for staff on Anaphylaxis, Asthma and general first aid.


student welfare at wales st primary thornbury