Instrumental music providers
Cat Canteri
0432 339 255
Steve Mayhew
0405 715 626
ABC Music Group
0403 493 861
Instrumental Music
School council values the contribution of instrumental music lessons to a child’s education and regret that we do not have the funding to run our own instrumental music program. Instrumental music lessons can form an important part of a child’s education and is very much a component of the ‘wholistic approach’ to a child’s education. In lieu of a school funded program we are striving to facilitate access to quality instrumental music lessons through a user pays system delivered by the following external providers.
Cat Canteri
Believes that learning and playing music should be a joyous, pleasurable and rewarding experience.
She has a Bachelor of Music (Improvisation), Victorian College of Arts, University of Melbourne.
Singer-Songwriter, drums and guitar with The Stillsons
All students learn to read and compose using standard music notation, and theory appropriate to their playing ability.
Cat believes students should have strong rhythmic foundations upon which to build their theory and practice. So in their first lesson (on either drums, guitar or keys ) each student will learn how to clap and count Semi-breves, Dotted Minims, Minims and Crotchets in 3/4 and 4/4 time signatures.
Every child is different and encourages them to direct her on what musical styles they are interested in learning – Blues, Jazz, Classical, Rock, Top 40 Hits etc.
Beginners on Keyboard will learn from hand written music and notes – varying from a week to several months. This will give me an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, and allow me to accelerate each pupil’s learning according to their their knowledge and ability. Once their hand-written progress has reached an appropriate level, Cat advises parents on suitable books for them to purchase.
There is a non-compulsory concert held at the end of every semester.
All students are required to have an instrument to practice on at home – with the exception of drums.
Individual lessons: $38/30min or $28/20min
Steve Mayhew
Steve has been an Educational Support Staff member at Wales Street for the past seven years. He teaches fun modern rock to classical guitar lessons. Steve’s aim is to teach the fundamentals of guitar, both tablature and note theory, and to bring the student up to the best of their ability.
Paired lessons: $20/30mins
ABC Music – Instrumental Program
We really do make music in schools as simple as ABC. At Wales St Primary we teach KEYBOARD & VIOLIN in groups or private lessons. Group lessons = $13.90/ Paired lessons = $24.90/ Private Lessons = $38.00. Our lessons run once a week for 30minutes during the school hours. Lesson time is arranged with the school and classroom teachers to avoid clashes with important subjects. Students perform at our end of year concert at school in Term 4. In the event of lockdowns our lessons run via Zoom.
The music teacher Chantelle joined the team of ABC Music Group in 2015. Her sole focus in teaching is to help each student reach their full potential and musical goals. This can be achieved in multiple ways and various styles, whether it be classical, modern, jazz, pop – Chantelle believes each individual has their own flair which deserves to be captivated. Students of younger age and early entry level, particularly enjoy the reward program that Chantelle endorses. Encouraging her students also to receive recognition through AMEB exams, many of Chantelle’s students have received a pass with Honours in their musical examinations.
For more information please visit our website