STEAM at Wales St Primary School

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics)

Students in years Prep-6 at WSPS currently have the opportunity to participate in a semester of dedicated specialist STEAM classes for one 50 minute session per week.

These classes take place outside the classroom in a dedicated STEAM lab with access to PCs, iPads, a Green Screen with a range of equipment for conducting science experiments. The school has an ever growing set of resources for learning with digital technologies including a range of class sets of robotics, engineering, physics, chemistry and biology activity sets.

STEAM classes are linked with the science and technology outcomes of the Victorian curriculum and give students an opportunity to demonstrate their creativity, ingenuity and use their maths skills in real life problem solving tasks. The STEAM classes are aligned to class Units of Inquiry where possible.

Typical class activities can include coding with apps such as Scratch and Bloxels, engineering and robotics designing with Lego, Dash bots or Spheros, and working with scientific procedures such as hypothesising, testing and recording data.