Fun of the fair

Fun of the fair

Those of you familiar with our fete will know that it’s jam-packed with fun including the rides that the kids will want to go on (again, and again, and again!) There are lots of fete favourites to look forward to this year including: Gym Bus – crawl, climb, explore...
16 days to go…

16 days to go…

Yup, just 16 days left until your last chance to drop off donations – during the Sunday 15 March Working Bee, 10am – 1pm. So now is the time to channel Marie Kondo and bring us your books, clothes and toys that may well spark joy in someone else who loves a good...
What do you get when…

What do you get when…

…you mix a food safety assistant with a pirate (and a clothes rack, and some takeaway containers, and some large bars of chocolate)? The answer? Yet another seemingly random set of requests from the Fete Committee! Sorry, clearly not the best ‘mix and match’ joke...
Our Great Community

Our Great Community

Get ready to bid big and share the link when our silent auction goes live on Monday 2 March. Yet again we’ve been bowled over by the generosity of school families and local community contributions. You can help us thank these generous souls by following @OurGreatFete...
Wine Raffle explained

Wine Raffle explained

Wondering what on earth this Wine Raffle thing is that we’re asking you to donate to? Read on… This is a Wine Raffle where everyone who plays wins! We’re aiming to have a number of grand prize bottles worth $60+ It will cost $15 a turn. You’ll choose a playing card...
Our Silent Auction needs you

Our Silent Auction needs you

The silent auction is a massive money raiser for the school and its success is based on businesses and families’ generous donations. If you’re able to donate any goods and services for auction or know a local business who can please contact Lilian –...